k Canoe

The canoeists in Bratislava.

Great overall performance by Annika Zoe Senoner

SCM slalom canoeist Annika Zoe Senoner achieved second place overall in the U18 single kayak at the ECA Junior Slalom Cup after 8 stages.

Annika Zoe Senoner did not manage to win the overall victory in the U18 kayak singles at the ECA Junior Slalom Cup. On Saturday, the Meran native was unable to qualify for the final. On Sunday, she finished 8th and slipped back to 2nd place overall. However, the SCM canoeist was very happy with her 2nd place overall.

Marian Drescher did quite well in the U12 single kayak event, finishing 7th and 16th. His sister Tamara Drescher finished 3rd and 4th in the women's single kayak event and came third overall in Bratislava.

A difficult channel

The performance of the four junior slalom canoeists from SC Meran/Raika-Torggler at the final of the ECA Junior Slalom Cup in the artificial canal in Bratislava fell somewhat short of expectations. "Our canoeists were unable to complete a flawless run on the difficult canal. Technically, they were able to keep up fairly well," says SCM coach Stefan Senoner.

His daughter Annika Zoe Senoner was only able to qualify for the final run in the U1 K18 on Saturday. She came 8th and 2nd overall. "I am very happy with my 2nd place in the entire ECA Junior Slalom Cup. The racing weekends were exhausting. However, I learned a lot and am motivated for the next season," said Annika Zoe Senoner. Her brother Lars Aaron Senoner came 1th and 16th in the U38 K17 and 1th and 16th in the U27 C16. Sara Furlan came a good 16th in the UXNUMX single kayak on Saturday.

Schlagwörter: Watersports kanu

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