Varese is in the playoff semi-finals. © Varese Hockey / Alberto Bernasconi

Eppan and Kaltern know their semi-final opponents

In the Italian Hockey League (IHL), the remaining two semi-final tickets were awarded on Tuesday evening.

In the end, the favorites prevailed: Pergine (6:3 against Como) and Varese (5:1 against Feltre) won their home games and thus moved into the playoff semi-finals. While Varese now faces Eppan, Pergine faces Kaltern.

This means that a repeat of last year's final between Varese and Kaltern is possible. The Lombards secured the IHL championship title in a spectacular series against the Hechte. In the semi-finals, Kaltern can first take revenge on Pergine, who only beat Suikkanen's team in the final of the Italian Cup at the end of January.

IHL: Quarterfinals, Game 5

Pergine – Como 6:3
The score was 5-3 in the best-of-2 series

Varese - Feltre 5:1
The score was 5-3 in the best-of-2 series

The playoff semifinals:
Varese – Eppan
Kaltern – Pergine

Game dates: (March 16th, 19th, 21st, possibly 23rd and 26th)

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