Varese (in yellow) and Pergine (in red) face each other in this year's IHL final. © Social Media

Pergine is well on the way to the championship title

The second final game between Pergine and Varese in the Italian Hockey League (IHL) took place on Tuesday. As in game one, the red and whites prevailed.

At the end of the first game of the final series (best-of-seven), the scoreboard in Varese showed a 3-2 away win for Pergine. And on Tuesday in Pergine the final score was 3:2, and this time too the Kaltern conqueror prevailed. Enrico Bitetto scored the winning goal in the 55th minute.

The Trentino team is 2-0 up in the series and is putting Varese under a lot of pressure. Things continue in Lombardy on Thursday, when the third game takes place from 20.30 p.m.

Schlagwörter: Hockey IHL Varese Pergine

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