Daniel Hofer Georg Brunner Kathrin Hanspeter
Daniel Hofer and Kathrin Hanspeter win the Vivicittà run in Bolzano
On Sunday, the 54nd edition of the Vivicittà run took place in Bolzano, as in 32 other cities in Italy and abroad. There were definitely favorites to win: Daniel Hofer completed the 12 km route in the men's race in 38.02 minutes, while Kathrin Hanspeter from Sarnen won the women's race in 43.37 minutes. A total of 272 participants reached the finish line.
12 April 2015
From: sportsnews
George Brunner
Khalid Jbari
Kathrin Hanspeter
daniel hofer
Petra Pircher
Track & Field
Elena Cesaro
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