j Martial Arts

Standing from left: Benedikt Engl, Martin Wolfsgruber, Fabian Hofer, Nicolae Mosneagu, Ivan Crivoi, Harald Egger; Kneeling from left: Aaron Engl, Simon Leiter, Alex Weidacher, Moritz Oberhollenzer.

South Tyrol's rangers show off their skills in Terenten

In wonderful weather and with lots of spectators, an Alpine Cup wrestling match took place in Terenten, like every year on Whit Monday. This offered a lot of spectacle.

A total of 98 wrestlers took part and the South Tyrolean martial artists were in top form. They achieved four wins, four second places and six third places, a total of 14 podium finishes. There were also several podium results to celebrate in the junior classes.

In the overall Alpine Cup standings, after four competitions, Stefan Gastl (Brixental/Wildschönau) leads with 37 points, ahead of Lukas Mattersberger (Matrei) with 34 points. Philip Holzer (Matrei) follows in third place with 15 points.

Standing from left: Benedikt Engl, Josef Kofler, Lukas Walzl, Luis Pixner, Harald Egger; kneeling from left: Eliah Weger, Liam Gufler, Isidor Astner

The next Alpine Cup wrestling will take place next Saturday from 14 p.m. in Matrei in East Tyrol.

South Tyrolean podium finishes at the Alpine Cup in Terento:

Hope class up to 8 years: 2. Isidor Astner, Terento
Hope class up to 10 years: 2. Gufler Liam, Passeier; 3. Weger Eliah, Ahrntal
Students up to 10 years: 3rd place: Lukas Walz, Passeier
Students up to 12 years: 2: Luis Pixner, Passeier
Students up to 14 years: 3: Josef Kofler, Passeier
Youth up to 16 years: 1. Alex Weidacher, Terento
Youth up to 16 years: 3. Moritz Oberhollenzer Ahrntal
Youth up to 18 years: 1. Fabian Hofer, Passeier
Youth up to 18 years: Simon Leiter, Ahrntal, 2.
Class IV:
1. Aaron Engl, Terento
Class III: 1. Ivan Crivoi, Terento
General Class IV: Nicolae Mosneagu, Terento 3.
General Class III: Martin Wolfsgruber, Vintl, 3.

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