T Tennis

Moritz Trocker (TC Rungg) narrowly missed out on the round of 16. Maximilian Figl and Gregorio De Gasper made it to the quarter-finals

Trocker missed the round of 16 at the UXNUMX Italian Championship

The Italian tennis champions were determined this week in three age groups (U12, U14 and U16). A total of 22 South Tyroleans were also there. The best result in the individual was achieved by Moritz Trocker from Völs, who narrowly missed out on the round of 16 in the U14 age group. The doubles Manuel Plunger/Jakob Gerstgrasser (U12) and Maximilian Figl/Gregorio De Gasper (UXNUMX), however, made it to the quarter-finals.

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