L Alpine skiing

The planned second departure will also not take place. © APA/afp / MARCO BERTORELLO

Second Matterhorn descent also canceled

The conditions on the Matterhorn also stood in the way of winter sports enthusiasts on their second attempt: the descent on Sunday has also been cancelled.

The men in the Alpine Ski World Cup still have to wait for their first race of the season. As expected, the second downhill run in Zermatt and Cervinia was canceled on Sunday morning because fresh snow and wind in the upper part of the route made it impossible. The teams expressly wanted an early decision. Last year, the two descents with a start in Switzerland and a finish in Italy could not be carried out due to a lack of snow.

The images of a race with the Matterhorn in the background were intended to promote skiing internationally. “It would have been pure spectacle,” said FIS race director Markus Waldner on Saturday. If the weather doesn't cooperate, there's nothing you can do. “This is our sport, we have to live with it.” In Zermatt-Cervinia on the Swiss-Italian border, out of three planned training sessions and two races, only one training session was able to take place on Wednesday. Then came the onset of winter.

The fact that races are to be held on a glacier at the beginning of November, starting at almost 4.000 meters above sea level, has been criticized for some time. The starting area above the tree line is particularly exposed and susceptible to weather events, which, according to long-time experts in the area, are sometimes more severe during this period.

Both men's descents were canceled. © ANSA / JEAN-CHRISTOPHE BOTT

Former racing runner Marc Berthod, currently an expert for Swiss television SRF, advocates for the races to be moved to March. In March there is enough natural snow in the Matterhorn area and the weather is much more stable than in November, he said. With regard to the design of the start of the season - the date for Sölden is also known to be controversial - those responsible at the FIS want to hold discussions with the associations and organizers involved soon anyway. Zermatt/Cervinia will probably also be discussed.

Next attempt with the ladies

The organizers and the World Ski Association are now hoping for better weather next week. Next Saturday and Sunday there are two women's downhill runs in Zermatt/Cervinia.

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