e Biathlon

A biathlete became a mother.

“Hello little Lilo”: The biathlon family is growing

She was once one of the best biathletes in the world, but now the focus is on a new task for a French woman: she had a baby a few days ago.

Fate often has special coincidences in store. On December 23, 2018, the two biathletes Paulina Fialkova and Anais Chevalier-Bouchet stood together on the World Cup podium in Nove Mesto, Czech Republic. Almost exactly five years later, the two of them are experiencing another great moment, but not on the cross-country ski trail. Fialkova and Chevalier-Bouchet had babies on Christmas Eve.

While this is Fialkova's first child, Chevalier-Bouchet can now call herself a mother of two. After their daughter Emie, who was born in November 2019, little Lilo is now the youngest member of the family. “Hello, little Lilo,” the biathlon baby is warmly greeted in Chevalier-Bouchet’s Instagram post.

Anais Chevalier-Bouchet at an Olympic race in China. © APA/afp / TOBIAS SCHWARZ

In recent years, Chevalier-Bouchet has been one of the French guarantors of success, particularly at major events. Seven World Cup and three Olympic medals hang in her trophy cabinet, although one gold medal is missing. One of her greatest successes was the successful comeback after the maternity break in 2019. Last spring, Chevalier-Bouchet announced the end of her career. Now she can fully be a mother.

Schlagwörter: Winter sports Biathlon Baby

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