Playing the season of his life: Bolzano striker Daniel Mantenuto. © det

His girlfriend emulates him: she's Bolzano's high-flyer

He scored Bolzano's first playoff goal of the season and thus impressively proved that he is a really hot iron in the fire: Daniel Mantenuto. The whiz kid should lead the Foxes to the final. He can rely on a very special fan.

Thomas Debelyak

How do we best approach Daniel Mantenuto? English, or Italian? You never know for sure with the Italian-Canadians at HC Bozen. The 26-year-old center quickly explains this to us. “Although my parents were both born in Italy – my mom near Rome, my dad in Abruzzo – I was born in Canada and therefore speak English. But I'm currently learning some Italian. It’s a beautiful, but also quite tricky language,” says Mantenuto with a grin.

The offensive man is in a good mood, of course. Bolzano got off to a successful start in the quarter-finals against Villach. It is “the phase that is the most fun,” said the left-handed shooter. What is meant, of course, are the playoffs in which Bozen wants to reach for the title. And in which Mantenuto can be a real weapon.

The new fan favorite

49 games, 16 goals, 19 assists – the North American has never managed so many points at this level. Coupled with his self-sacrificing and passionate style of play, he not only became a Bolzano high-flyer, but also a fan favorite, who honored him with their own prize this year.

Difficult to stop this year: Daniel Mantenuto. © VANNA ANTONELLO

This is only the second season that Mantenuto has completed in the Foxes' uniform. He had previously played in the US college league NCAA and then in the Alps Hockey League with Asiago. Now the third-best HCB scorer in the regular season has also become a major support in the Talferstadt.

His girlfriend plays ice hockey – in Bolzano

Daniel Mantenuto feels right at home in Bolzano. And not just him. His girlfriend Thalia Zolis has also really settled in in the valley town. She shares her partner's passion for ice hockey, chases the black hard rubber disc herself and is in the squad for the Eagles Bozen. “She is an enthusiastic ice hockey player. In December 2022 she came to me in Bolzano for the first time and found out that there was a women's team here," explains Mantenuto.

Daniel Mantenuto and his girlfriend Thalia in the Sparkasse Arena. © private

So one thing led to another. “This year she asked if she could play there and has been in the squad since October. She has a lot of fun playing with the girls,” says Mantenuto, who met and fell in love with his Canadian girlfriend with Greek roots at college.

Daniel Mantenuto has already scored 16 goals this year. © Leo Holzknecht / Vanna Antonello

Both are now looking forward to the next playoff games. On Tuesday from 19.15:3 p.m. Mantenuto and Co. will be in Villach, followed two days later by Game XNUMX in Bolzano. “We have the best fans in the league. Playing in front of them is always special,” says Mantenuto, looking forward to the upcoming performances.

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