
Title Title

Pre-Playoff: Vipiteno, Eppan and Val Gardena use the home advantage

14. February 2015
Title Title

Val Gardena signs veteran Veggiato

July 27, 2014
Title Title

Serie A: Match calendar for the basic round has been fixed

July 25, 2014
Title Title

Christian Borgatello has signed at Ritten

July 24, 2014
Title Title

Roman Erat says goodbye to Vipiteno

July 24, 2014
Title Title

The new Serie A: Fewer games, more balance

July 22, 2014
Title Title

Experienced Miroslav Guren is moving to HC Eppan

July 18, 2014
Title Title

Armin Helfer remains loyal to the wolves

July 16, 2014
Title Title

Twelve teams are tackling the Elite.A

July 15, 2014
Title Title

HC Neumarkt: Tragust follows Caffi

July 14, 2014
Title Title

Manuel Lo Presti moves to HC Neumarkt

July 13, 2014
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