Title Title

Rottensteiner: “FISG and teams want cross-border championships”

March 25, 2016
Title Title

Andrea Gios: “We will decide the future with the clubs”

March 22, 2016
Title Title

Stampfer, Fauster and Bregenzer stay in Val Gardena

July 20, 2014
Title Title

INL champion Neumarkt is planning for the Elite.A

July 12, 2014
Title Title

The pirate captain stays on board

July 09, 2014
Title Title

Transfermarkt: Innsbruck's squad is ready - Graz is on a shopping spree

July 05, 2014
Title Title

Open statement from SV Kaltern rothoblaas

June 30, 2014
Title Title

Andrea Gios confident: Will have a broad championship

June 27, 2014
Title Title

EBEL transfer market: Everything is still at a standstill in Bolzano

June 24, 2014
Title Title

Elite.A: Registration deadline extended to July 15th

June 23, 2014
Title Title

Neumarkt has a new coach: Mike Flanagan

June 19, 2014
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