
Title Title

Lisa Rabensteiner misses the podium

16 April 2016
Title Title

South Tyrol Neruda Bozen returns to winning ways in Montichiari

19 December 2015
Title Title

Kerschbaumer and Co. are relay Italian champions

11 April 2015
Title Title

Women's team manages revenge, Folie again only on the bench

17 Maj 2014
Title Title

Series A2: Neruda makes Montichiari tremble for a long time

March 24, 2014
Title Title

Manuel Cazzaro at the start at the Derny European Championships in Montichiari

05 November 2013
Title Title

Italian Cup A2: Volksbank Südtirol meets Montichiari

September 24, 2013
Title Title

Raphaela Folie not nominated for first stage of the World Grand Prix

August 01, 2013
Title Title

Referee scandal: St. Georgen takes a stand

March 20, 2013
Title Title

Seventh bankruptcy in a row: St. Georgen is also subject to Montichiari

March 17, 2013
Title Title

St. Georgen wants to put an end to the free fall

March 15, 2013
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