
Title Title

SSV Bozen walks into the final

14 Maj 2016
Title Title

SSV Bozen: One last step, then the final awaits

13 Maj 2016
Title Title

Shock near Bolzano: Innenebner is out with a muscle injury

06 Maj 2016
Title Title

SSV Bozen has its sights set on the final

06 Maj 2016
Title Title

Diatec Trentino embarrassed themselves against Romagna

04. February 2016
Title Title

SSV Bozen: “We are happy to play in the Gasteiner Halle”

07 Maj 2015
Title Title

Serie A: Fasano is the first finalist

07 Maj 2015
Title Title

SSV Bozen beat Romagna 26:22

22 April 2015
Title Title

Carpi is the fourth semi-finalist

19 April 2015
Title Title

Handball: SSV Bozen meets Romagna in the semi-finals

13 April 2015
Title Title

David Hofer and Co. strap on their roller skis again

July 09, 2014
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