
Title Title

Omar Visintin solid at the start of the season

03 December 2023
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Visintin is putting a big exclamation mark in Montafon

09 December 2021
Title Title

Rank 3: Visintin is already making people sit up and take notice in qualifying

26 November 2021
Title Title

Omar knows what's important

21 November 2021
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First snow training for the boardercrossers

June 07, 2017
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Visintin and Perathoner train in Courmayeur

July 09, 2014
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60 South Tyrolean podium finishes in the 2013/14 World Cup season

March 30, 2014
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Omar Visintin has the crystal ball in his pocket

March 14, 2014
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Perathoner and Visintin have to do it twice in Andorra

08 January 2014
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Roland Filehner and Co. compete in Bad Gastein

07 January 2014
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Montafon: Visintin and Perathoner came eighth in the team competition

08 December 2013
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