
Title Title

Tania Cagnotto ends her career with a victory

13 Maj 2017
Title Title

Tania Cagnotto: Completion is near

August 14, 2016
Title Title

World Cup in Kazan: Next medal for Tania Cagnotto!

August 01, 2015
Title Title

Cagnotto with ninth World Cup medal – all medals at a glance

August 01, 2015
Title Title

World Cup in Kazan: Verzotto challenged from the 10m tower tomorrow

July 31, 2015
Title Title

Cagnotto will attack from the 3m board tomorrow

July 30, 2015
Title Title

World Cup: Cagnotto-Dallapè misses medal and Olympic qualification

July 25, 2015
Title Title

The World Cup starts tomorrow for Cagnotto & Co.

July 24, 2015
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Cagnotto & Co. are moving to Russia today

July 21, 2015
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Italian diving championships this weekend in Bergamo

July 09, 2015
Title Title

Grand Prix Bolzano: Cagnotto attacks from the 3m board in the final on Sunday

July 04, 2015
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