
Title Title

Rio: Maicol Verzotto's big day has come

August 19, 2016
Title Title

Tania Cagnotto dreads the water in the Olympic pool

August 10, 2016
Title Title

Cagnotto, Seppi and Co. send greetings from Rio via Instagram

August 03, 2016
Title Title

July 28, 2015: Cagnotto jumps into history books with World Cup gold

July 28, 2016
Title Title

Parque Aquático Maria Lenk: Cagnotto and Co. are in action here

July 25, 2016
Title Title

Tania Cagnotto: Just save the world for a moment, then I'll come to you

July 20, 2016
Title Title

European Championships in London: Barbu and Placidi in eighth place

13 Maj 2016
Title Title

Tania Cagnotto sets standards straight away

11 Maj 2016
Title Title

Cagnotto starts her hunt for medals

10 Maj 2016
Title Title

Tania Cagnotto: Mission “Quadruple Gold”

07 Maj 2016
Title Title

Cagnotto/Dallapè shine again in silver

22 April 2016
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