
Title Title

Weger misses medal – Merano canoeists top at Masters World Cup

August 30, 2021
Title Title

Jakob Weger: “Technology is more important than strength” - INTERVIEW

June 27, 2017
Title Title

Matthias and Jakob Weger paddle in the legendary ice channel

June 22, 2017
Title Title

Jakob Weger paddles in Laibach with the world's best canoeists

31 Maj 2017
Title Title

Green light for the big canoe event on the Passer in Meran

15 Maj 2017
Title Title

Jakob Weger from Merano is taking part in the World Cup

01 Maj 2017
Title Title

Canoe World Cup: Weger, Luther and Unterthurner in the semi-finals

July 13, 2016
Title Title

A Burggräfler canoe quartet at the World Championships in Krakow

July 11, 2016
Title Title

The Weger brothers on the Passer are in a class of their own

29 Maj 2016
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Three SCM canoeists are hunting for medals in Krakow

August 26, 2015
Title Title

Jakob Weger overall winner at the Junior European Cup

August 10, 2015
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