Dietmar Pfeifer, Andreas Vieider (Dolomites sports editor), Manuel Fiwickeler, Alex Raffeiner (Dolomites sports editor), Gerhard Comper, Toni Ebner (Dolomites editor-in-chief), Hannes Fink, Günther Heidegger (Dolomites deputy editor-in-chief), Alexander Foppa, Thomas Debelyak (both SportNews ), Pauli Hintner (Zett sports editor). © Dlife
The Serie B newcomers on an editorial visit
The focus is already on Italy's second highest football league, but before the 2021/22 championship season is definitely archived, FC Südtirol had a quick visit to our editorial team on the agenda.
June 09, 2022
From: sportsnews
FC Sudtirol
Gerhard Comper
Dietmar Pfeifer
Manuel Fischnler
Hannes Fink
Sports News
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