j Martial Arts

Practical lessons with karate legend Fabrizio Comparelli © karate mühlbach

A karate legend in Mühlbach

The internationally known karate master Fabrizio Comparelli (50), an icon of the karate style “Wado Ryu (Way of Peace, editor’s note), came to Mühlbach for a two-day karate stage.

His precision and his attention to detail in the positions and techniques as well as his ability to explain the various attack and defense techniques, show connections and analyze the functionality of the various movements characterize the karate master Fabrizio Comparelli from Rome.

“The determination, willingness to learn and ambition of the young people and adults contributed to this course being able to take groundbreaking steps for the future of Karate Mühlbach,” says trainer Martin Pezzei.

Fabrizio Comparelli
The karate master Fabrizio Comparelli (50), who has been practicing the martial art of karate since 1987, not only became known through the publication of the book “Wado Ryu Karate-Do Kata”, which has become a standard work, but is also a member of the FIK (Federazione Italiana Karate). has been working in trainer training for many years.

Wado Ryu
The karate style “Wado Ryu” is characterized above all by the principle of “minimal effort with maximum efficiency”, which is why care is taken to ensure that there are no unnecessary movements and no unnecessary effort in the positions and techniques - Master Comparelli is particularly particular about this received in a manner.
Wado Ryu is also characterized by the fact that strength is not used against strength, that is, it does not work against the strength of the opponent; Rather, it's about skillful evasion, fluid movements, redirecting the attack and then or simultaneously counterattacking using levers, throwing, kicking or punching techniques as well as targeting so-called vital points.

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