M Ski cross

For Dominik Zuech it was over in the round of 16 in Alleghe on Friday. © Tobias Unterhofer / Tobias Unterhofer

Not a long day at work for Dominik Zuech

The first Ski Cross World Cup race took place in Alleghe on Friday. The South Tyrolean Dominik Zuech was successful in qualifying, but after that it was over for him pretty quickly.

In addition to Dominik Zuech, Yanick Gunsch from Matsch should actually have started in Alleghe, but the 27-year-old is currently suffering from severe back pain. That's why he started the journey home and Dominik Zuech was the only South Tyrolean to qualify.

There, the 27-year-old from Lana secured a starting place in the round of 1, where he met Alex Fiva, Tobis Baur (both Switzerland) and the Canadian Jared Schmidt in Heat XNUMX. Although he was able to keep up well at first, he fell back over the course of the race and ended up in last place. Zuech didn't see anything more than the round of XNUMX on Friday.

The winners of the day

In the men's race, the 26-year-old Swede Erik Mobaerg won in an exciting final ahead of the Swiss Alex Fiva and Niklas Bachsleitner from Germany. The Frenchman Terence Tchiknavorian landed in fourth place.

Erik Mobaerg (2nd from right, in yellow jersey) took victory in Alleghe. © ANSA / MAYK WENDT

In the women's race, however, Canada's India Sherret was too fast for everyone else. Behind her, the Swiss Saskja Lack (2nd) and Talina Gantenbein (3rd) landed on the podium. Marielle Berger Sabbatel from France took fourth place in the final.

It continues on Saturday

But ski cross isn't over in Alleghe yet: on Saturday, spectators will see another World Cup race. Dominik Zuech faces Tristan Takats, Robert Winkler (both Austria) and Tim Hronek (Germany) in the qualification in Heat 5 from 10.30 a.m.

Schlagwörter: Ski cross Dominik Zuech

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