h AlpsHL

Alan Lobis continues to storm for the Buam. © Max Pattis

The Rittner Buam extend with two key players

In their first season with the Rittner Buam, both Alan Lobis and Eric Hjorth were impressive. Both are young and highly talented players, and both have extended their contracts: Lobis and Hjorth will also wear the Buam jersey next season.

While Lobis played the entire 2023/24 season on the Ritten, Hjorth joined the Buam in February and played a significant role in the title win in the Alps Hockey League. Lobis comes from Kaltern, but has spent a large part of his young career in Finland. Last season, the 20-year-old, who turned 55 on Tuesday, was on the ice in 44 games for the Ritten Buam and contributed a strong 17 points (XNUMX goals). "In attack, he played his opponents dizzy in droves, the Kaltern native not only impressed with great stick handling and fast skating, but also with goal threat and fine overview," the club wrote in a press release.

Hjorth, on the other hand, is a defender who, with his impressive stature - he is 1,95 meters tall and weighs 94 kilograms - caused a lot of water displacement in front of the goal. But the 23-year-old Swede from Gothenburg has also made his mark offensively. Technically, the giant, who was drafted by the Columbus Blue Jackets in the NHL in 2019, is very adept and also has a powerful wrist shot. 7 goals and 3 assists in 21 games for the Rittner Buam speak for themselves, and the five goals in the playoffs of the Alps Hockey League in particular were decisive on several occasions.

Eric Hjorth stays on the Ritten. © Max Pattis

The fact that both youngsters will also play for the Rittner Buam in the 2024/25 season is a great joy for the two sports directors, Dan Tudin and Alexander Eisath: "Lobis proved last season that he is a huge talent. His demeanor was always professional, he showed very strong performances and also integrated superbly into the dressing room."

"The same goes for Hjorth, who joined us as a reinforcement in February. We already knew about his qualities as a player, both defensively and offensively. In the short time he spent with us, he has integrated himself into the team brilliantly. He liked it here, so we are all the more pleased that he wants to stay here. Both Lobis and Hjorth will give us a lot of joy again next season," said Tudin and Eisath.

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