Q Other sports

Matteo Tanel took the win. © FISI

Tanel starts the World Cup season successfully

Branzoller roller skier Matteo Tanel caused a stir at the start of the World Cup.

Tanel won the 15-kilometer race in Madona (Latvia) on Wednesday in impressive fashion with a time of 31.52 minutes. The Branzoller relegated Martin Himma from Estonia to second place by 51,1 seconds. Third place went to the Azzurro Riccardo Lorenzo Masiero (+2 seconds).

Tanel, who won the overall World Cup in 2020 and 2021 and finished second overall in the past two years, is also one of the big favorites in the fight for the crystal globe this season. The World Cup in Latvia continues on Thursday with a team sprint in the classic technique.

Schlagwörter: Other sports Roller ski

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