1 Other winter sports

Leon Haselrieder won in the single-seater. © Thomas Lovelock for OIS/IOC

South Tyroleans celebrate historic success at youth games

The Youth Olympic Games (YOG) in Gangwon (South Korea) ended on Thursday with the mixed relay in cross-country skiing. The South Tyroleans look back on a historic edition.

For the first time in the history of the Olympic Games, Italy won the medal table. The Azzurri in the U18 category won a total of eleven gold medals - more than any other nation. Five of these went to the South Tyroleans, who also won two silver and two bronze medals. Overall, the United States and Germany won more precious metals, but the nations mentioned are behind Italy in terms of gold medals.

There was a shower of medals in artificial track tobogganing. Manuel Weißensteiner and Philipp Brunner as well as Alexandra Oberstolz and Katharina Sofie Kofler won the doubles, while Leon Haselrieder prevailed in the singles. In addition, Oberstolz, Haselrieder, Weißensteiner and Brunner were at the top of the team competition. Biathlete Hannes Bacher also won gold in the mixed relay. Camilla Vanni, Giorgia Collomb (both alpine skiing), Carlotta Gautero (biathlon), Federico Pozzi (cross-country skiing) and Flora Tabanelli (freestyle) were responsible for the other victories. The latter triumphed in both slopestyle and big air.

Manuel Senoner won two medals. © APA/afp / JONATHAN NACKSTRAND

Oberstolz, like Nordic combined athlete Manuel Senoner, won silver in the individual competition. Brunner came third in the individual luge, while the NoKo relay team around Senoner and his sister Anna took the bronze medal on the penultimate day of the games. Given these results, South Tyrol can look forward to numerous talents in the coming years.

The South Tyrolean medals:

Manuel Weissensteiner/Philipp Brunner (two-seater)
Leon Haselrieder (single-seater)
Alexandra Oberstolz/Katharina Sofie Kofler (double seater)
Oberstolz, Haselrieder, Weissensteiner/Brunner (team relay)
Hannes Bacher (mixed relay biathlon)

Alexandra Oberstolz (single-seater)
Manuel Senoner (Nordic combined)

Philipp Brunner (single-seater)
Anna Senoner, Manuel Senoner (Nordic Combined Team)

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