Three-position fight

Title Title

Thanks to Petra Zublasing's carabiner: Nicco puts together the gold double pack

August 14, 2016
Title Title

Weithaler clearly missed the final in the three-position fight

August 14, 2015
Title Title

EM: Simon Weithaler in the three-position fight in 34th place

July 24, 2015
Title Title

Petra Zublasing 2th at the World Cup final in Gabala

26 October 2014
Title Title

Zublasing wins the World Cup in Fort Benning in a three-position fight

March 31, 2014
Title Title

Petra Zublasing celebrates her first World Cup victory - UPDATE

July 09, 2013
Title Title

Petra Zublasing again on the podium at the Mediterranean Games - silver

June 27, 2013
Title Title

Petra Zublasing: 21st place at the end in Milan

18 Maj 2012
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