
Title Title

Club World Cup: Diatec Trentino in the semi-finals

22 October 2016
Title Title

July 28, 2015: Cagnotto jumps into history books with World Cup gold

July 28, 2016
Title Title

Tania Cagnotto's special return to Kazan

20 April 2016
Title Title

Tania, Maicol and Giorgio agree: “That was the best World Cup”

August 04, 2015
Title Title

World Cup: Cagnotto-Dallapè misses medal and Olympic qualification

July 25, 2015
Title Title

World Cup Kazan: Cagnotto-Dallapè in the final

July 25, 2015
Title Title

World Series: Cagnotto and Verzotto in action in Kazan

23 April 2015
Title Title

Test matches: draws for Torino and Verona

July 27, 2014
Title Title

Test match: Kazan defeats Torino

July 24, 2014
Title Title

Universiade: Laura Letrari with the medley relay in the final

July 16, 2013
Title Title

Universiade: Strong Laura Letrari leads freestyle relay in 5th place

July 10, 2013
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