
Title Title

Eva Lechner starts the new season with the best in the world

21. February 2017
Title Title

Eva Lechner fifth in the Cross World Cup

15 January 2017
Title Title

Fruet and Baroni make the double pack perfect

06 November 2016
Title Title

The “Bikeman Trophy” goes to Martino Fruet and Francesca Baroni

05 November 2016
Title Title

Colledani and Oberparleiter win the 25th trophy for the city of Bolzano

30 October 2016
Title Title

Cyclocross World Championships: Lechner and Dorigoni in the top ten

30 January 2016
Title Title

Cyclocross: Lechner is runner-up in the World Cup

24 January 2016
Title Title

Next top result for Eva Lechner

17 January 2016
Title Title

Cyclocross: Lechner and Dorigoni are Italian champions

10 January 2016
Title Title

Cyclocross: Dorigoni and Lechner with strong performances at the Giro d'Italia

06 January 2016
Title Title

Triveneto Cup: Jakob Dorigoni impresses with second place among juniors

04 January 2016
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