D Equestrian

What a spectacle: More than 10.000 horse racing fans cheered on the packed stands for the superior winner of the Grand Prix of Merano South Tyrol, Speed ​​Emile. © FOTO PRESS ARIGOSSI

French shine at the equestrian days in Merano

Packed grandstands, elegance and glamour and the sporting triumph of the French: this is the conclusion of the turf weekend at the "most beautiful race track" in Europe. Speed ​​Emile wins the Grand Prix and the French dominate the tournament with three further victories. While Guillaume Macaire's team shines, the domestic competition has suffered setbacks.

Speed ​​Emile triumphs in the Grand Prix, while the Aichner team misses out on the fifth victory they had hoped for. Bad luck with injuries and L'Estran's aging process cloud the result of the successful local team.

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