SportNews Netiquette

SportNews & STOL provide its users with a discussion forum thanks to the comment function, but there are a few rules to be observed:
Comments are signed with full name and location - and no longer with a "nickname" - as protection against criminal prosecution and against insults and slander. STOL & SportNews value a free, friendly and respectful discussion climate. Please ensure that you maintain a fair and objective tone in the discussions, even if you do not agree in a debate. Never forget that there is a human being on the other side. So be careful with humor and sarcasm, otherwise misunderstandings can quickly arise. The comments should be a forum for verbal debate, not for insults. By registering, the user confirms that he is at least 18 years old. He is liable for the content of his registration data and the information he provides. The provision of intentional or negligent false information, the violation of third party rights or any other violation of statutory Regulations can have civil and/or criminal consequences. In addition, any user who provides false data will be deleted immediately, without giving reasons. The user undertakes not to use the comments for business, commercial or other commercial purposes. Such use is strictly prohibited. Anyone who does not comply will lose their account without giving reasons.  Contributions that contain criminal, discriminatory, offensive, racist, pedophilic, pornographic, right-wing extremist or otherwise unacceptable content will be deleted by the editorial team. This also includes postings, which have nothing to do with the topic of discussion. A serious violation of netiquette can result not only in the removal of the post, but also in the deletion of the account. STOL & SportNews rely primarily on the personal responsibility of the writers and hopes not to have to resort to such drastic measures. The editorial team assumes no liability for links to external websites.

See also 

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