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Fencer Nada Hafez has written a special story.

With baby in belly at the Olympic Games

Fencer Nada Hafez has written a special Olympic story. The Egyptian took part in the Summer Games in Paris, even though she is due to have a baby in a few weeks.

"What looked like two participants to you was actually three": With these words, Nada Hafez addressed her fan base on Instagram. The fencer added: "It was me, my competitor and my little baby who hasn't been born yet."

The Egyptian is seven months pregnant and still took part in the Olympic Games in Paris. Hafez even managed to win, which left her in tears. However, she was eliminated in the round of 16.

"The rollercoaster ride of pregnancy is hard in itself. Having to fight for a balance between private life and sport was also exhausting - but it was worth it. I am glad that I had the trust of my husband and my family to be able to get this far," wrote the 26-year-old.

There is also criticism

Nada Hafez received a lot of positive feedback. However, there was also criticism. The Egyptian defended herself. "I am not the only athlete who took part while pregnant. There are many other international athletes who have been active for so long while pregnant. There are no medical obstacles to stopping them," she said.

In any case, it is a very special Olympic story that Nada Hafez has written. A story that the fencer will soon be able to tell her baby.

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