The Hechte clearly won against Pergine at the start © Social Media

Kaltern flexes its muscles

What a start for the Hechte in the semi-finals! In the first game of the best-of-5 series, the South Tyroleans clearly prevailed against Pergine. HC Eppan, however, suffered a defeat.

The two semi-final series in the Italian Hockey League (IHL) started this Saturday. At the start, the Hechte from Kaltern flexed their muscles and clearly won away against Pergine 6-0.

Already in the first part of the game, the Überetscher showed that they definitely want to advance to the final. After 11 minutes, Marko Virtala put the guests ahead 1-0. This was further expanded 23 seconds before the first half-time tee: Michele Volcan pushed the puck over the goal line. In the second third, the Hechte continued exactly where they left off in the first period. In the 24th minute Volcan hit the mark again and made it 3-0. Just 23 seconds later, Matteo Cappuccio increased the score to 4-0 and decided the game in the 24th minute of the game. Another 10 minutes later, Moritz Selva was also able to get on the scoresheet and increased the lead further. Cappuccio made it 11-6 0 minutes before the end. The home advantage therefore switches to Kaltern.

HC Eppan played very well for 60 minutes, but in the end had to narrowly admit defeat against Varese with 1:4. The game started excellently for the South Tyroleans. In the 5th minute, Finnish import player William Makinen gave the Pirates a 1-0 lead. The 28-year-old struck in the majority. The lead lasted until the 14th minute. After a pass from Marcello Borghi, Andrea Vanetti made it 1-1. The Lombards took the lead for the first time in the 37th minute. Although the Pirates then threw everything into the balance, it was the hosts who celebrated in the end. 5 minutes before the end, Alessio Piroso made it 3-1 and Hector Majul decided the match with a goal into the empty goal.

IHL, Saturday's results

Varese – Eppan 4:1
0:1 Makinen (04.41), 1:1 Vanetti (13.52), 2:1 Tilaro (36.25), 3:1 Piroso (55.00), 4:1 Majul (59.41)
Audience: 743
Standing in the series: 1: 0

Pergine – Kaltern 0:6
0:1 Virtala (10.46), 0:2 Volcan (19.37), 0:3 Volcan (23.14), 0:4 Cappuccio (23.37), 0:5 Selva (44.46), 0:6 Cappuccio (49.12)
Audience: No information
Standing in the series: 0: 1

Schlagwörter: IHL Kaltern Eppan

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