l Bowling

The Sarner bowlers with (back from left) Angelika Stauder, Dagmar Wiedenhofer and Adele Ainhauser and in front Greta Trojer want to end the series of the Fugger Sterzing.

Sarner’s challenge: “We want to become champions”

Adele Ainhauser is well known in the bowling country of South Tyrol. As the sports captain of Sarnthein, she plays on the lanes in South Tyrol week after week, and thanks to her experienced performances, she has already taken part in several world championships. And anyone who knows her and her Sarnen blood knows that she makes no secret of her goals: "This year we want to become champions!"

Despite 8 championship titles in a row, the Fugger Sterzing are no longer untouchable - Sarnthein has set itself high goals. Last season had an impact. Now the pursuers are attacking, especially Sarnthein.

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