V Triathlon

Christian Klotz is going to the Double Ironman World Championship. © zVg

Double Ironman: Klotz takes third place and goes to the World Championships

7,6 kilometers in the water, 360 kilometers on the bike and finally 84,4 kilometers of running: this was the distance that had to be covered at the World Cup for double Ironman triathletes in Bad Radkersburg, Styria, at the weekend. A South Tyrolean was right up there with the frontrunners.

The physical strain of the Double Ironman was made even more strenuous by the temperatures of 35 degrees Celsius. "It was an extreme race," says Christian Klotz. The Tschermser finished the World Cup event in the Austrian Vulkanland in third place. Only Max Kniazew (RUS) and Mika Tomasz (POL) were faster than the 3-year-old South Tyrolean. In total, Klotz needed 50:27 hours for the double Ironman.

Next June, a dream will come true for Klotz. For the first time in his career, the South Tyrolean will be competing in the Double Ironman World Championship. The World Championship will be held from June 15, 2025 in Emsdetten, Germany.

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